High Dock Harbor Office Concrete Construction Work
Port of Bandon, Oregon
Harbor Office Concrete Construction Work
Sealed Competitive Bids to provide construction services for the Port of Bandon (“Port”) will be received at the Port office, 390 First St, SW, Bandon, OR 97411, until 3 p.m. on December 17, 2024. Any Bids received after the specified time will not be considered.
The Bid will cover the cost of materials and labor to provide concrete construction improvements, located at 50 Chicago Ave, SE, in Bandon, Oregon. Bid and construction documents can be viewed by appointment in the Port office at the above address, or by email request to portmanager@portofbandon.com.
Construction is targeted to begin on or around March 1, 2025 and be completed by the end of April 2025.
The Project is a public work subject to the payment of Oregon applicable prevailing wages for Region 7, Coos and Curry counties, as established by the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries, BOLI : Which prevailing wage rate applies to this project? : For Employers : State of Oregon.
The Project is funded with grant funds from multiple sources including some federal funding. Compliance with grant terms will be required.
Direct questions to Jeff Griffin by email at portmanager@portofbandon.com; by telephone at (541) 366-0115.
Bid Invite Harbor Concrete.pdfBIDS RECEIVED.pdfChecklist.pdfLOI (Final).pdfNotice of Award (Executed).pdf